“Home I’m Darling” Actor Application FormThis information on this form will be treated as confidential and will only be shared with the relevant department leaders. Contact Information Name First Name Last Name Email * Mobile Phone Number * Your Facebook page link RESUME How you are supplying your performing arts resume? Emailed to admin@synchronicity.org.au marked RESUME FOR (NAME) FOR CLUE AUDITION I will bring a printed copy to the audition I do not need to provide one for this audition as I am a returning performer. Name and contact details of a referee who can vouch for your previous experience. (This is only required for those who have never participated in a Synchronicity production) Please tick what applies to you I am happy to be allocated any part. I have nominated my preferences and only want to participate in those roles Desired Roles Having read the play roles descriptions, i have a preference for Any comments about desired roles AUDITION TIMES All Roles * Please Tick your TWO preferred times. We will contact you and let you know which to attend Sat 1st Feb @ 10:30am Sat 1st Feb @ 1pm Sat 1st Feb @ 2.30pm Sat 1st Feb@ 4pm I need an alternate time Miscellaneous Production Info CATERING Do you have any dietary or other allergies? If YES Please list here so we can try to cater for you. COSTUMING Top Size 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Pants Size small medium large Shoe Size 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Your agreement with us Please list any clashes you have with the rehearsal schedule as listed on Audition Information Sheet * AGREEMENT Please read the following I agree to abide by the company ethos and behavioural guidelines I have read the schedule for rehearsals and performances and listed any clashes I agreed to abide by line learning deadlines Thank you for submitting your application to act in The 39 Steps 2024We will email a confirmation of receipt of this form and look forward to meeting you AUditions Venue - 52 Mackenzie St West, Golden Square, 3555