2024 Victorian Drama League (VDL) Awards

Our Nominations and Award

1. Best Set Design

2. Best Actress Minor Role -Comedy

Saari Frochot-Chauhan accepting the nomination on behalf of Daisy Pratt-White

3. Best Actor in a minor role -Comedy

David Prince accepting the nomination on behalf of Russ Holdaway

4. GOLD AWARD Best supporting actress in a comedy -Samantha Congdon

accepted onstage on her behalf by Jess Hunt

5. Best Actor in a lead role - Comedy

Michael Dullard

As Wadsworth

6. Best Director - Comedy

Well done Saari, Evalina & Chris (AD)

7. Best Production - Comedy

Accepted by Wendy Collishaw, Producer and Synchronicity Artistic Director.

Well done to all the production crew, cast and directors of our 2023 Comedy CLUE: ONSTAGE